There have been others on the board try the eating fruit approach and it did not work. Personally I have tried even eating lemon, tomato etc and has bad reactions obviously to the sugars. The idea is to eat foods that will sustain us but not be smorgasboard for candida. Simple sugars are obviously the worst and they will feed candida readily. However some complex sugars are also very bad. It all depends on their rate of digestion. Some fruits have more
Sugar then others and some will break down far quicker. I have been thru this candida routine twice now and BOTH times I have gotten well avoiding fruit completely. AS it is, candida does not know the difference between fruit sugars ( fructose) or simle
Sugar ( sucrose). And whenever I tried eating even some lemon squeezed in water would be the identical symptoms to eating sugar. SO I stayed way. Luckily or unluckily my body has reactions that cannot be argued with , they are clear and severe so I do not need to guess. My body also reacts positively when the right changes are made.
I would add, that there are more opinions on this topic that we could even begin to discuss. So you really need to be your own best judge what will work. If you try fruit and have issues than it is not for you. I would warn you though that if you do not have severe symptoms you may not get the message until candida has multiplied rapidly and when it gets to high enough concentrations you will have a mighty big fight on your hands.
In contrast to information given on that website, I actually feel alot better and have plenty of energy when on a candida diet. Many symptoms disappear with diet alone bloating, anxiety, itchy rashes etc. which is a clear indicator that my body says no sugar. Also, I do not recall anyone stating they must eat proteins and fats. My idea of a candida diet includes high quality protein, lots of vegetables of the lesser in
Sugar varieties, salads and buckwheat which is mainly because it helps me feel full. Some on this board even question buckwheat however it gives me no symptoms whatsoever and I have gotten much better while still eating it so it cannot be doing any harm other than potentially slowing down my progress possibly.
I do believe in the fat theory, but more so because it slows the digestion down which favors candida. Fat also makes everything in your body move sluggishly including your blood flow which will limit oxygen and we all know that we need to create an oxygenated terrain to help with candida. So a slow, sluggish body with fat floating thru the blood could very easily feed candida. And it is also obvious that candida does not survive on sugar alone. If it did, we would cut out sugar and it would be gone. Unfortnately candida can learn to live on whatever you eat or it would not be so hard to get rid of. Hence the reason for bowel cleansing. Candida can also live on the junk in your intestines that has been there forever. So , yes fiber is important. But there are other ways to get lots of fiber without eating fruit. Eating a big salad everyday with lots of fresh lettuce and chopped raw veggies will do far better than a piece of fruit.