'Like the good doc says...if you get hungry, drink more juice!
It's rather hard to have true hunger pangs if you're juicing/drinking a gallon of juice daily (along with Potassium Broth). When I'm juicing, everytime I feel (or think) "hunger", I grab one of the juice jars out of the fridge and gulp down half of it - sometimes all of it (I use 1 pint jars).
There's a HUGE difference between truly being hungry and 'thinking about food'. I always go into a juice-fast reminding myself of these things:
-- this is THE greatest healing thing I can do for my body!
-- the ONLY part of my body that isn't going to love this is my mind.
-- My mind is full of bad-thought-habits, and this 'have to eat solid food thing or feel grumpy' is one I really need to ditch (and it is ALL in my mind).
-- When I finish successfully, I'll be SO empowered and strong. I'll know I can do ANYTHING.
-- It's always a real/major boost of energy, fantastic healing AND increase of self-esteem to juice fast.
Fantasizing and 'jonesing' for food is NOT hunger - it's a thought habit...period.
I don't know why you're juice fasting, but if it's for healing, (here comes a "Schulzie"), then STOP being negative and pre-dooming yourself for failure, and START 'getting happy' about it! :) How many people are sick that would LOVE to have the opportunity to juice fast...but can't afford a juicer? I would juice fast at least 15 days every few months (as would my husband), but we can't afford that much produce.
Why are you having problems at work? Can't you take your juice to work? If you don't have a fridge handy, surely you could take a small cooler and put it in your locker or under your desk? If you drink a couple of cups of juice several times during the work-day, your body won't be hungry (although your mind may be driving you a bit nutzo). Lol, it sounds to me like you haven't yet taken control of your mind/body and TOLD IT CLEARLY - ATTENTION! This IS what we're going to do - we can either go crazy thinking about food and deny ourselves of the luxury of juice-feasting...and focus on 'what we're missing'(which is absolutely nothing but the joy and healing you could be experiencing), OR we can enjoy the tastes and pleasures of having modern equipment and ample money to be able to purchase produce, juice and concoct the most flavorful, bountiful and healing nectar that the Maker put on this planet. And we ARE going to do the "good thing"...so hey there Brain and Thought, either get on the bandwagon or SHUT UP!
If you struggle with juice fasting, and you have NOT adopted the attitude beforehand that you ARE going to 'do this thing' and you ARE going to recognize it for the amazing healing tool and major blessing that it is, you WILL struggle all the way through it. :(
Maybe you haven't researched and learned enough yet to really "KNOW" the power of juice fasting? Maybe you've believed in whatever's ailing you for so long, that you don't "KNOW" that you CAN have complete control over your body and live for decades without so much as a sniffle? If so, then you need to read/learn more about juice fasting. Here's a couple a couple of good ones for starters.
This whole healing journey is very much akin to the scene in Star Wars where Luke crashes his fighter-space-jet thingy into a swamp and Yoda elevates it from the murky -yuk with The Force. Luke says, "I don't believe it", and Yoda replies, "THAT, is why you fail". :)
Organic baby food? Pasteurized - all enzymes are dead. Other organic produce? They all take digestion, and the process of digestion takes 60-70% of the healing energy away from your body every time you eat.
Will your 'flush' work if you don't juice fast? To some level, yes. Schulzes products are the best on the market, and just taking them is ALWAYS better than nothing. But is 'better than nothing' all that you and your body deserve?
You CAN do this! You CAN achieve vibrant, glorious health! Juice fasting (feasting) is a TREAT, not a chore or a burden!
Henry Ford: "Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't...you are RIGHT!"
P.S. Now get in that kitchen, get out that produce and start concocting some of the bestest, most yummiest of juice combinations you can think of. Peaches are ripe here...orange/peach/apple is a MAJOR winner - one of my favorites is pineapple-celery-orange (with a splash of lemon) - Ruby Red (Grapefruit and Beet) OMG - major YUM!