Thanks Apxer, you keep me on my toes--I like that.
Welcome, Shroom, anytime.
So, you say there are other organisms which display these qualities?
It's not just me saying it, it's data.
Please tell me what you found! I have been trying to track bacteria with this distinction for some time now.
Look around, the planet's full of them!
Other than marine-type bacteria, and some rare exotic macro-bacteria, I have found nothing at all which comes close.
Exactly. Just because you haven't observed them it doesn't mean they're not out there! This is what I mean by not assuming either way. I have read reports of similar organisms from way back into the 1700's even.
This is what I know of this variety so far: it is always accompanied by e coli bactera {common type} it "builds" from smaller rod-types {also always present} it differentiates into numerous forms once mature.
Many questions. How do you know for sure it's E. coli? have you confirmed it by PCR or other method(s)? How do you know it's always this way? How many patients' samples have you studied? In how many regions around the planet and which groups?
I suppose you have pictures detailed of all of it, right?
The average bacteria starts as a very thin thread, which is half the width of the e-coli, then grows about 500 times as long. In the larger ones, it can reach over a mm in length. There is no organelles at all. No nucleus is visable, and the "string" is a greenish glow, as would be seen in PH neutral organisms.
Is this necessarily true? [I'm not expecting an answer to any of these questions; I'm just trying to help you consider the thoughts]
There is no distinct "ends" it is as if it were a very thin thread--that it.
I have seen many of these "thread-like" organisms. In fact, I believe I've mentioned them before. They've been observed many times before as well.
In other types which start off with the same process, they become fat in some areas, and super thin in others. This fluctuates along the entire length--and there is a obvious vibratory movement taking place at various intervals.
If you have a video of this, I'd like to see it.
I have to gather more observations to see if these things are related to other large organisms which develope in the culture.
Do you have macroscopic [visible to the naked eye] pictures/images of those cultures? Are you keeping notes?
These are almost visable with naked eye, and are a twisted mass which resemble a tree branch with gnaralled ivy vines growing around the body. There are also "spined-like" protrubrances which look like mite legs. Very strange indeed.
I'd like to see them, or at least a sketch, which obviously you can make rather accurately.
This is why I suspect elements of genetic tapering at the root of some of this.
Wrong. This logic [even for suspicion] is flawed and I can prove it right here, if you like.
I suggest that you do A LOT of reading. Start off by very light stuff, any subject that you like, not necessarily microbe-related. That will help you to polish your grammar and set a future base for better logic and thought processes.