If you are chronically constipated, this
cleanse may not be for you. You need to
be having a minimum of one BM a day to
be a candidate for Master Cleansing. If
you are not having BMs without a daily
Smooth Move, you need to consider a designated
colon cleanse before you come back to the MC.
My other question is if you weaned yourself
from caffeine and caffeinated products like
tea and OTC medications which contain caffeine?
This could help explain your significant
You might try soaking your feet only in a
foot bath as hot as you can stand it, with
a cup of
Epsom Salt in it.
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) is most likely not working if you
are already chronically dehydrated and
chronic constipation is definitely a sign
of chronic dehydration.
Cure #6: Water prevents and cures colitis.
Colitis pain is a signal of water shortage in the large gut. It is associated with constipation because the large intestine constricts to squeeze the last drop of water from the excrements - thus the lack of water lubrication.
Tragedy: Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of dehydration will cause persistent constipation. Later in life, it will cause fecal impacting: it can cause diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and polyps, and appreciably increases the possibility of developing cancer of the colon and rectum.
It is so important to keep well hydrated on any
cleanse. It is not always an easy habit to cultivate
but if you put out the amount of water you need to
drink each day, you are better able to gauge your
progress and drink up more if you notice you are
I hope you feel better soon.
Be happy, be well,