write down all the things you might like it to encompass.
very unhealthy period for shift work.
(note can that be altered with good suggestiosn to company ?
Might be a good forum question.
A job I once had everyone, except mothers of infant children,
had to do shift work.
Here was the key that made it work!:
The schedule was cycled every 8 weeks!
so if you worked shift work for 8 weeks,
you were exempt from shift work for next 16 weeks!
only could next get scheduled on a regular day shift one
or a night shift one.
employees were allowed to *trade a day or night shift* between themselves.
but not the shift work one.
Shift work is very unhealthy and some companies are beginning to understand
that that means they suffer workers exhausion , sickday costs
and lowered alert production capacity with overstressed overtired workers.
This cuts into company $ greatly.
Yes toxic co workers.
Used to be no food in work place allowed.
with a side *employee room for eating and storing lunch need items or other
Any truly professional compamy will let employees have drinks at work stations,
but NO food.
So you want to see a combo name that encompasses toxic work environment overall...
hours and co workers.
Toxic work: Shifthours & Co-workers.
might be a start idea , but you will work all that up well on your own.
Love to you,
Ami Joi Benton