After my first reiki experience (in a chair) I had some passing pains in my knees.
After my first table experience my left ankle woke me up at night.
Felt like I had on a shackle. Knowing there was no reason for it, I focused on the pain, which broke it up. I could feel the energy running around on the left side of my body, seemingly looking for a way out. I had an "intutive" tell me it was from a previous life experience. Another idea is that I took on, emphatized, with my late husband who had been shackled in a foreign country. (He had to have a skin graph
to heal his wound.)
All this only tells me that Reiki will help clear old debris as well as help
with healing and bringing a sense of well being.
Keep up with the Reiki, it will do you more good in the long run.
Still listen to yourself. Only you know if/when you're ready for it.
You have my blessings, Margie