From Newstarget...Mike Adams
Canada has done what the U.S. refuses to do: Protect the health of its people through a national program of encouraging vitamin D supplementation. While U.S. cancer groups like the American Cancer Society stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the benefits of vitamin D supplements in cancer prevention, the Canadian Cancer Society is launching a program to make sure every Canadian citizen receives a level of vitamin D sufficient to prevent most cancers, including breast cancer.
The U.S., in contrast, has no interest in preventing cancer... even when a simple, virtually free substance like vitamin D could drop national cancer rates by more than 75 percent.
New research published this month shows that vitamin D supplementation produces an astonishing 77 percent reduction in all cancers in women, making it the single most effective medicine for preventing cancer that has ever been discovered by modern medical science. The American Cancer Society, however, seems stuck in the nutritional dogma of the 1950's and continues to claim that only drugs, radiation and surgery can treat cancer, and that nutritional supplements have no role to play whatsoever in cancer prevention. This view is so out of date that it belongs in a museum of medicine, not on the agenda of an advanced nation. (Stating that vitamin D has no useful role in preventing cancer is as hopelessly outdated as claiming the Earth is flat.)
The politics of cancer: Keep 'em sick!
As usual, America's abandonment of the world's best natural anti-cancer medicine has nothing at all to do with science, but everything to do with politics and profits. If vitamin D were a cancer drug made by Pfizer, the American Cancer Society would likely be pushing it as the next "miracle" drug and calling for everyone to be put on the drug. But since it's a nutrient that cannot be patented, and can actually be manufactured for free by exposing your skin to natural sunlight, the entire U.S. cancer industry now laughingly pretends that vitamin D supplementation offers no benefits.
Each day that the American Cancer Society, the AMA, the FDA and others in conventional medicine refuse to acknowledge the benefits of vitamin D supplements for preventing cancer, they lose yet more credibility and slip one step closer towards global humiliation and irrelevance. It is difficult to imagine how anyone from conventional medicine can show up at a health event and say, with a straight face, that they're doing everything they can to fight cancer when in reality they are willfully ignoring a prevention medicine that really works: Vitamin D. It's simple, safe and virtually free, and it has no negative side effects, requires no patent royalties, and is available right now to everyone.
If there were ever a cancer prevention strategy to get behind, this is it! The people in the cancer industry, if they had any sense, should be leaping out of their chairs, fumbling over each other in a mad rush to the press conference podium to announce their support for vitamin D. And yet what do we hear in the United States? Complete apathy. It's as if these people somehow believe that a vitamin manufactured by the human body itself has no role in human nutrition. The depth of blind ignorance at work here is mind boggling. Someone should actually start a psychological study of the people in the cancer industry to figure out how their minds can work that way. It should be called, "The Madness of Crowds and the Illusion of Cancer Treatments in Western Medicine."
To not get behind vitamin D is to miss the cancer prevention opportunity of a lifetime. Imagine: For every 100 women that will someday get breast cancer, more than 75 of them could entirely avoid
Breast Cancer through the use of vitamin D. That's 75 women out of 100 who could have their health (and their lives) given back to them through a nutrient that is essentially free. (Add in green tea and some rainforest herbs, and this number leaps to around 90 percent, by the way.) Why wouldn't everyone in the cancer industry want to save 75% of these women from breast cancer?
I'll tell you why, and you won't like the answer. It's because the cancer industry depends on all 100 of those women being diagnosed with cancer and treated with profitable cancer "management" protocols like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Preventing cancer in 75 percent of women (or more) would deny the cancer industry three-fourths of its revenue. It would shrink the industry, reduce funding, and result in a mass exodus of cancer jobs. Donations would dry up and cancer non-profits (which thrive on the continuation of cancer) would lose big. This is why they won't support cancer prevention that really works. Preventing cancer is simply not in the self interest of the cancer industry. Prevention is bad for business.
When will America show interest in cancer prevention?
Canada, not surprisingly, is a little quicker to catch on to the enormous benefits of vitamin D in preventing cancer. "We are monitoring the evidence and believe there is a real role for vitamin D to reduce our risk for cancer and so far there are very few side effects," the Cancer Society's Heather Logan said in a CTV News report. Actually, there are side effects: Reduced risk of diabetes, obesity, depression, mental disorders and all sorts of cancers. Vitamin D is the miracle medicine the cancer industry claims it's searching for when it asks you to donate for those "run for the cure" events. But the cure already exists, and it's available for free.
When it comes to the cancer industry, Canada is the first western nation to stand up and say, "The Emperor has no clothes!" It makes you wonder how long it's going to take before America will finally stop supporting the cancer industry at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives each year and, instead, start getting serious about cancer prevention. How many Americans have to die before the criminally-operated U.S. cancer industry will be forced to let go of its stranglehold over the American public and finally acknowledge that we can slash national cancer rates by nearly 80% right now by urging people to get more sunlight and vitamin D?
Corporations and governments, of course, view lives as expendable. Encouraging sickness, disease and cancer is a high priority to those who profit from such sickness. And if a few hundred thousand Americans have to die in order to meet next quarter's corporate profits, then so be it. Americans are expendable. Lives are cheap. They're so cheap, in fact, that most of the people living in America today take no steps to protect themselves against cancer. I guess some corporations figure, hey, if the people are willingly giving themselves cancer through their foods, cigarettes, toxic cosmetics and chemical exposures, then why should we stop them?
Screening and treatment = Recruiting and profit-taking
The more cancer there is, the richer the drug companies and radiological equipment manufacturers become. More cancer means more profit, and more profit means more influence in Washington. And that explains why nobody in Washington seems to express any interest whatsoever in actually preventing cancer in this country. (Trying to get lawmakers to pass a cancer prevention bill is about as useless as trying to get them to pay off the national debt and balance the federal budget.)
With the cancer industry, the entire focus is on "screening" and "treatment." Those terms can be more accurately translated into "recruiting" and "profit-taking." Screening is simply a way to recruit patients into a highly profitable assembly line of cancer treatments which offer no cures and no prevention, only the "management" of the disease so that the maximum profits can be extracted from the patient without actually eliminating their disease. It's quite a clever scam, and it explains why screening is so often offered for free: It's just like a crack dealer offering a free hit, but only once. After you're hooked, you gotta pay.
The cancer industry tries to promote this "recruiting & profit-taking" propaganda through lies like, "Early detection saves lives." Oh really? Actually, early detection generates more profits, since 9 out of 10 "early detection" positives are, in fact, completely bogus. The cancer detection technology today is so incredibly advanced that it can even detect cancers that aren't there! (And then the patient is urged to undergo chemotherapy "just in case.")
Prevention is the only real solution
The only way out of this cancer madness is through prevention. As Dr. Cedric Garland, professor at University of California, San Diego, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and Moores Cancer Center said about Canada's decision, "I think this is an important and historic step in the right direction. I think it will offer leadership in the world... as Canada will be the first country in the world to adopt this public health recommendation... Over time, this finding has the potential of eliminating a quarter of a million cases of cancer in North America annually and about 100,000 deaths from cancer annually."
The U.S., of course, will likely be the last modern nation to reluctantly admit that cancer can be prevented with vitamin D. That's because the U.S. is "profit central" for the disease industry that preys upon cancer victims and, in fact, encourages cancer by actively preventing cancer prevention. To learn more, click here to see my previous article on the cancer industry and vitamin D.
The U.S. government has no interested in protecting its citizens from disease. Rather, the government actually conspires with pharmaceutical companies and non-profit disease groups to keep the American public in a state of chronic disease through nutritional deficiencies, exposure to toxic chemicals and side effects of pharmaceuticals. And it's working! The U.S. is the most diseased nation in the world, sporting higher rates of degenerative disease (cancer, diabetes, heart disease,
Depression and obesity, combined) than any other nation. On top of that -- get this -- we pay the highest health care costs in the world!
All that money apparently isn't doing any good. Meanwhile, free cures for cancer are available right now in the form of natural sunlight. Nearly-free prevention methods are well documented and include nutritional supplementation with vitamin D. We know how to prevent cancer, it's just that the corrupt politicians and dirty non-profits in charge of this country won't allow the disease to be prevented at all. There's too much money to be made in treating cancer, and there's no incentive whatsoever to teach the public how to prevent cancer and avoid becoming cancer patients.
The curtain is closing on America's future
America is a public health disaster. And it's going to pay the ultimate price: As I've stated before, I believe that health care costs and the mass poisoning of the American people will ultimately cause this nation to self destruct. The "America experiment" is nearly over, and when the whole giant mass of disease and debt collapses, we're going to be left with a nation of mutant humans hopped up on pharmaceuticals... infertile, mentally impaired, emotionally imbalanced and nutritionally devastated.
We have very nearly lost the battle for the future of this country. The next generation of Americans is already being raised on junk foods, dosed on Ritalin, injected with mercury vaccines, coated in toxic sunscreen chemicals and taught a lifestyle of debt, over-consumption and use of natural resources that simply cannot be sustained for even one more generation. When reality hits the fan, these kids are going to be shocked beyond belief. They have no clue of the tidal wave of poverty, misery and destruction headed their way, courtesy of the extremely corrupt political leaders who have sold out the future of this country in order to win their next election.
Cancer is one area where the
Science clearly and inarguably shows how we could save trillions of dollars and millions of lives over the next century. Here's a segment repeated from my previous story on vitamin D. It's important. Soak this in:
Did you know that reducing the cancer death rate by just 1% would be worth almost $500 billion to the U.S. economy over the next hundred years or so? (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.) Drop the cancer rate by 10% and it's worth $5 trillion dollars to the economy. These gains are due to increased productivity and life spans of working, contributing people.
We know right now that vitamin D and calcium can slash cancer rates by 77 percent. Do the math on that, and you realize that sunlight and calcium could result in a $38.5 trillion boost to the U.S. economy over the next century.
That's enough economic productivity to pay off our entire national debt, build new schools in every town and city in the country, provide free college educations to all young people who wish to go to college, invest billions in new energy technologies and even fund massive health education campaigns to keep our population healthy. With that kind of increased abundance, we could build a whole new society of health, wealth and education.
That's the future being denied by the cancer industry today. They have sold out our future in a desperate grab for next quarter's profits. They're not interested in the future of America, or the health of future generations or even the pain and suffering of people battling cancer right now. They're only interested in one thing: Power. Power over people and money. And the more cancer that exists in the world, the more power they have. Cancer prevention is a threat to the cancer industry, pure and simple. And yet, at the same time, the cancer industry is a threat to America's future. We cannot save this nation from self destruction if half our population is dying from cancer. (That statement should seem obvious, but it's way over the head of just about every politician in Washington these days.)
here's the article on the press of Vitamin D