Interesting questions.
Some quick thoughts:
I have a difficult question that has been on my mind.
I have heard that plants only attact bugs if they are weak. Forrests only become diseased with beatles if sth. is wrong with them in the first place. Honey bees have been dying from a disease. But only the ones that are raised non organic. The ones fed sugar... And I heard that worms and
parasite are in the body if it is weak and diseases to help remove and digest toxins.
If the definition of "Parasite" is accepted, then a creature that's sucking life from you while 'helping' to make you sick shouldn't be good for you. In that sense, the word "Parasite" means something negative, not positive.
Why would they 'help' to make us sick? Consider that blood-feeding
parasites alter the blood's chemistry and production:
"Can a hookworm infection cause any serious health problems?
Yes. The most serious results of hookworm infection are the development of anemia and protein deficiency caused by blood loss. "
That's the CDC talking, but don't just take their word for it. Their opinion on this matter is backed up by a great amount of evidence and by history itself, it seems. I agree with it too. Also consider that Filaria, when it causes Elephantiasis, make people really ugly, for starters:
[nasty image, but this is really a 'nice looking' one considering the disease]
I don't see how that outcome could help anyone to heal or to clear toxins.
Could 'parasites' be helpful [AS
parasites inside of us]? Yes, they could be, but all the evidence out there suggests STRONGLY they're not. If they are helpful [AS PARASITES], then perhaps they shouldn't be called 'parasites' after all.
For me, 'parasites' are very helpful when I can study them to find out better ways to kill them, but that's all the help I want from them, period.
There is evidence that leaches and others are used in hospitals for very particular problems and pigworms help people with irritable bowel syndrom heal when ingested.
Yes, there is, and yes, those may 'help'. That doesn't mean they're good for you necessarily anyway, because they may take away an illness just to replace it with another -my thought.
If it is true that a weak body has
parasites and we cleanse them out. Won't the wisdom of nature overrule our action and bring the parasites back as soon as possible with a vengance.
Could be, IF it is true. However, evidence seems to say otherwise. What if 'The wisdom of nature' is simply to have the 'parasites' digest us, much like what happens upon death?
A lot could be supposed by considering possibilities.
And why are kids who play in the dirt etc more resilliant than kids in sterile environments?
It's said that it's because the body "learns" to defend itself better, which is why I don't like "totally antiseptic" environments, at least for children. However, please consider this note from the CDC: [from the same link above]
"...When children are continuously infected by many worms, the loss of iron and protein can retard growth and mental development, sometimes irreversibly. Hookworm infection can also cause tiredness, difficulty breathing, enlargement of the heart, and irregular heartbeat. Sometimes hookworm infection is fatal, especially among infants."
And how are
Antibiotics different than a
parasite cleanse?
Size, Strength, Speed. 'Triple-S' as some of us are calling it. There are more differences; those three are just an illustration.
Does it weaken the body, too?
If you're referring to "
Antibiotics " [meaning agents to kill 'parasites'], possibly sometimes, yes. I'd say that the successful use of anti-parasitic agents requires knowledge and experience.
I am already on the humaworm cleanse but I would love some peace of mind regarding these concerns.
Peace of mind is important, specially if/when infestations afflict.