I Tried Idorol (not sure on spelling here) and Standard Process prolamine. Both of these
Iodine supplements caused a reaction. I had teeth problems, neck and head too. I started getting a lot of dental pain and lots of sensitivity issues. Also was having headaches and neck pain and discomfort. When I stopped taking the
Iodine and started taking magnesium (I read somewhere that
Iodine could displace magnesium, don't know if it's true) all of the symptoms went away, including the tooth sensitivity. My ND and holistic dentist still aren't sure what exactly happened yet, but theory is could have been detox effect (I had a
root canal infection) or simply an allergic reaction. I will be getting on the SCIO next week to see if is an allergic reaction or not.
I am certainly not interested in trying iodine again. I feel healthier now than I have in several years. I believe that cleaning my
root canal infection is the main reason for the lift in my health. I had endodonic ozone thereapy. I am simply thrilled with my dentist, who also works as an alternative prationer and has all sorts of healing tools, such as biocom, hyperbaric chamber...
good luck to you!