i am neither armed nor dangerous(except to pharmedico, i hope).
moreless promotes the addition of base "materials" to the body to effect pH. to me, this is the opposite direction one must go to live healthy and especially long.
what is causing acidosis in the body is what you have stored in your tissues to begin with. you can surely use moreless' methods to counter this acidity and it does work. however, like the allopathic treatments, it treats the symptoms and not the disease.
there is only one disease and it comes from this constipation caused by rotting food in your flesh. the cure is to remove the rotting food - no more acidity, at least not where it shouldnt be. the goal would be to fast all the "morbid matters" out of the body and from then on eat only non-acid forming foods, also known as a mucusless diet.
so ridding the body of excess acidity is not a matter of adding more in. those who are on the moreless drink and stop go right back to where they atarted almost instantly. this is because nothing has really changed. now there are people like grzbear who are using this drink, not as an excuse to continue piling in the acidic food, but as a means of relief from his considerable and disabling problems so that he can still work and enjoy life and persue his health ideal. the day he can go without the drink and not have those problems return is the day he has fixed the problem. he takes full personal responsibility for this choice and i pray to god it doesnt bite him in the butt. we are all different and if i were in his shoes i may be doing the exact same thing.
iodine gets systems flowing better in the body. elimination is improved. pH rises. so yes,
Iodine will effect pH in a positive manner.
it is all a matter of diet. and as we all know, our diet sucks six ways to sunday, as grz and others keep pointing out in the news forum. in fact, its a nightmare. the pleasures of eating must be given very low priority to succeed in health. every bite you put in your body has a price attached. cooked food is dead and one can only reap death from sowing death in the body. you can run but you cant hide. its automatic and built right in. thats what it means to chose to live or die, not whether you listen to moreless or not.
i have said over and over that moreless says the right things most of the time. this may well be what is making sense to you.
as far as the debate which rages is concerned, this is a mutual arrangement. moreless does it to get attention for his forum. corinthian does it as a hobby. i do it because of his hurtfulness toward others, his disregard for their lack of success, his intoerence of being called into question, because he asks for it and deserves it, and because i get bored sometimes. it ends and begins with moreless, however. he is extremely calculated in his efforts to cause contention. he thinks it gets his message out to more people. all you need when you get to the bank with that is a deposit slip.