plasticat...Have you done any of the things I suggested to you a couple of days ago?
My heart really goes out to you and I'd give anything if you lived near me because
I would help you get to the bottom of this come cream cheese or high water. But
we're not close...at least I doubt that we are...so all "I" can do is make suggestions of what "I" would do.
One thing I know for sure...if you keep on doing the same old thing...you're going
to keep on getting the same old results.
Someone posted to your post the other day telling you about how they had gone to
Dr Mercola and how he helped them. I think they had a protein deficiency or something. Now, Dr. Mercola is near Chicago...around Evanston, I think. Is there
a possiblity you could go there?
Find the post from a couple of days ago...where I posted to you...and try what
I suggested. It isn't going to hurt you...I'm absolutely certain of that and there
is a good possibility it may help.
I've been seeing all these pleas for help...but I haven't seen much about the
things you're trying...am I missing those posts somehow? Or are you just so
overwhelmed with it all...you haven't done much lately. Let's get to the bottom
of this...once and for all....let's heal your body!
Now what exactly have you done in the last month to try to heal your body?