My latest peek at stool sample reveals massive increase in charcot layden crystals. This is a compound produced as a result of eosinophilic break-down--translation; substantial immunogenic response to parasitic infection.
If you have been following, I am treating with
Iodine internally and boric acid externally.
I am certain the
Iodine has caused a re-balancing of stomach PH and numerous other things. There is no longer signs of B. Hominis or yeast over-growth. The digestion has improved 90 percent and other symptoms have been diminished with exception of cyclic scalp itching and increased eye-floaters.
An increase in immuno-responses could be the cause. Eye floaters consist of certain immune-cells which are attaching to {unknown fiber parasite}. This is "seen" as little squiggly lines with little round dots all over them.
I am going to up-load pictures today
parasite samples. Shroom