Imperishable Gems - Happiness
God is the eternal spiritual sun.
Adam is the eternal spiritual moon. Eve is the eternal spiritual star very close to the moon. We are all eternal spiritual stars.
We are all created by eternal God in His own image.
The moon has no original light. It simply reflects the light of sun.
God is known as Sat Chit Anand.
What is the difference between Happiness and Anand (Bliss)?
Anand is the greater or higher happy state of mind.
Happiness may be momentary or short living, but Anand is eternal and permanent.
Happiness may reduce to less happiness.
Less happiness might be considered as sorrow by most of the people.
Happiness is a state of mind, always comparable and it is our original nature.
Happiness can only be experienced when we perform actions through the subtle or physical body. Subsequently we can recall the happy moments we had earlier experienced through the body.
What is happiness?
Happiness is a state of mind, filled with feelings of contentment, satisfaction, attainment, love, relationships, mental and physical health, wealth, safety, security, desirelessness, etc.
In general, people consider the following positive environments, things are necessary for happiness; friction free relationships, financial security, job security, stability of the political parties, economical condition of the country, elevated status in the society, educational qualification, specialities, free of diseases,etc.
If our happiness is based on the above environments, we will not be permanently happy, because the above factors cannot be controlled by us always.
Hence our happiness will also fluctuate due to the fluctuations in the above-mentioned environments.
If you keenly observe the above listed environments, they are related with matter.
Once we leave the physical body (when the body dies), which is made up of matter, we will lose everything such as, all the wealth, health, and physical relationships etc.
Because matter is ephemeral, the happiness derived from matter will also be ephemeral and hence temporary.
One of the soul’s original natures is Happiness.
We came alone and empty handed from the soul world and we shall return as soul and empty handed. We have to realize that we never lose anything.
The five vices rob our happiness. Our happiness would instantly reduce if we are under the influence of any one of the five vices.
In Garden of Eden, (in the golden age), everyone was happy, because of purity.
Where there is purity, there will be peace and prosperity.
Where there is peace and prosperity, happiness will also automatically prevail.
When we are virtuous and see only virtues in others we will be happy always.
When we do not accept sorrow from others we will remain happy.
When we give happiness to others we will receive happiness.
When we sow the seeds of happiness we will get the happiness in return, in abundance from our eternal world community.
When we live with God and act as per His advice, we will be happy always.
Raja Yoga enable the self to attain purity and hence the experience of happiness, more happiness and Anand in our life every moment. Now or never.