I have an anovaginal fistula (hole between rectum & vagina) resulting from childbirth a little over a year ago. It was first diagnosed last October as being 2 mm long and about 1
cm into the vagina. I was told I should have surgery right away but that sometimes these will go away on their own (that seemed like an odd conclusion to me!). I did not have surgery since we do not currently have health insurance and also because I shy away from the idea of the surgery! I soaked regularly in dead
Sea Salt sitz baths several times a day for a couple months with no marked improvement. My main difficulties with it are inability to control gas and leakage if I have diarrhea. I know this needs to be repaired before the next child arrives, and am willing to be surgically repaired but only as a last resort.
I can find very little information online about this, even about the conventional treatment! I have read that essential oils can promote tissue regeneration, and I am interested in trying them but don't know what to use/how much. I also found a pricey product called Anoratab at
if anyone can take a look at the site and ingredients and translate them for me I would appreciate it! I emailed their customer service and they said they have 70% success in healing a fistula like mine. I am still nursing so want to take that into consideration with the whatever I decide to try.
If anyone has any information or suggestions of what to try; any opinions to offer on the anoratab treatment I would appreciate it. I would also appreciate an stories of succesful vaginal birth after this type of injury. I believe my tear and fistula was most likely caused by the 9 mins of continuous pushing on my back that I did in the hospital due to my son's heart rate decreasing when I wasn't pushing. If I have surgery traditional medicine will recommend c-sections for me to avoid more tears in the future, but I would much prefer to homebirth next time.
I hope that made a little sense. It's my first time posting and I appreciate any help or suggestions offered.