Can I give a suggestion?
Liver problems mean your liver is not releasing poisons where it should. They call that "sluggish liver". That means that your gallbladder is full of stones, or in best case has very thick and neutrilized-by-all-the-acid bile in it (normally bile is supposed to be basic).
And the reason it is all acidic there is either the candida or parasites or both - body is fighting it with acid. It's very hard if not impossible to achieve that level of acidity with food only (unless you drink coffee, alcohol, smoke a lot, mix citrus fruits with bread and worry a lot).
And all of that points to a toxic colon. So bite the bullet, and do a hydrocolon therapy and come back and let us know if it worked for you.
I would bet $100.00 without even having to think twice that you would come back jumping with joy! And what better time to do the hydrocolon therapy then when you are trying to get rid of all kinds of things!
You take humaworm or whatever ,and you push it all the way to colon.
What then?