I've read many times that being a "night-owl" is connected to those with hypothyroidism. Being on
Iodine since late January, and after taking half a dose of my meds for 3 weeks after getting hyPERthyroid symptoms, I stopped needing my hypothyroid meds altogether on March 1st! yay!
There must be other factors, too...like a toxic body, because I remember reading at some point where the inability to
get to sleep is simply from not drinking enough water during the day to flush out toxins comes back to "haunt" you at night. The body is finally allowed at least a chance for some rest, but that is also the time the liver does one of ITS functions, and we usually respond to that function by needing to go to the bathroom...those are at least TWO things going against us wanting to be "perky" in the morning - it's an impossibility!
My body is now
also fighting being a night person! Unfortunately, I still stay up late more often than I should, because it's always been the time of day I felt I could do things "by myself, and for myself"...but that's slowly changing to MORNINGS now, as well! I get quite sleepy now around 10 or 11pm, but I'm finding that I still fight it and try to stay up late.
Now that I'm reading that I'm not alone in this, I shall endeavor to "get my a__ to bed" at 10 o'clock like my husband and daughter do!
Funny thing is, though, that I DO now wake up "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" at 7am! THAT has NOT HAPPENED since I was a child! A child! We're talking BEFORE PUBERTY, because the last memory I have about getting up early was when I was about 8 or 9 years old. (I'm now 50). I asked my teen-aged brother, how can you
possibly want to sleep past 7 or 8am???
To which he would usually respond with: "Go away and leave me alone." lol
Hey, thanks guys, for allowing us to see yet one more benefit!