Well, I have Becks stuff and now I have to move over to the next thing. I was just about to fill in a order form for the UZ when I was the dudes at
Zapper Forum and the Harmonic. I need the BEST AND STRONGEST zapper out there, period. What annoys me is that the Harmonic site does'nt tell the strength and such about the zapper.
This is where I am a newbie, all the Mhz, volts, watt confuse me - I know nothing about this.
I have noticed that the majority of people who are experimenting with zappers and FGs and talking and comparing.. are MEN. (Boys and toys).
I posted a similar post in the
Zapper Forum , I think that forum is slow moving, there is little action. I need passion, I want: OH I LOVE MY ZAPPER IT SAVED MY LIFE! Kind of talk :) People should scream out their success and not hide so much.
The FSCAN seems exiting, but again, much technical stuff :(