Well let me just add my 2 cents, 17975. Your mother...regardless of your faults
or her faults...brought you in to this world. If it were not for HER...you wouldn't
even exist....RIGHT??? :-)
I was blessed with exceptionally kind, and loving parents. But like any mom...my
mom could be a pain in the neck. I'm now 60...our youngest is a daughter and she's
33...and I'm sure she'd say "I'm" a pain in the neck at times. But I loved my
mom (she passed away in 2003) and I know our daughter loves me.
So I was and am...really, really blessed. And I can understand how hard it would
be if you had a mom who really wasn't a good mom...or who was mean and cranky...
but STILL...it was Mother's Day and the ball was in YOUR court. I absolutely DO
believe you should have contacted her in some way.
I think even NOW...you should send her a balloon bouquet...with a nice note...if
you can afford it...and say you're sorry you missed Mother's Day and you hope you
two can work out your differences. Or even send her a card and say the same thing...
We watch Survivor faithfully....and one of the finalists on there last night...
"Yawman" (odd name, I know...he was Asian or something)...but he was the kindest
person you've ever seen....even in the competitions....he won a truck on one
competition and gave it away to another contestant because he knew the other
contestant had no vehicle whatsoever.....but he said during last nights finale...
he has a saying he tries to live by....Love Many...Trust Few...Hurt No One....well
WOW...I scammered for my pen and paper.....and in a few minutes...our daughter called and said..."Mom, I knew you'd want that saying that Yawman just said...so
I copied it down for you in case you didn't catch it all"... :-)
But we should ALL try to live by his 'saying'...LOVE MANY...TRUST FEW...HURT NO ONE...NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Now I didn't read your other post you mentioned...I probably should have taken the
time to do that...but regardless...Your mother gave you LIFE...and if she's bitter
or whatever the problem is with her....maybe YOU are the only one that can turn
her around...maybe YOU can make her see the light...and learn to live, love, laugh
and be happy. Wouldn't that be wonderful??? But that isn't going to happen if
you continue on with the same old resentment you're carrying now.
I hope you'll contact her in whatever way you feel comfortable...Maybe she's
secretly wishing she had closer ties with YOU...but maybe she just doesnt' know
how to go about 'breaking the ice'. Pride can destroy a life...or many lives...
don't let it destroy what you could have with your mom. Be the first to make
the first step...and if it doesn't go well...wait a week of maybe 2 and send her
a card....do that every little bit...writing sweet or kind notes in there and
she'll begin to melt...trust me!!! Time heals all wounds...but I do feel that
SOMEONE should be working on one end or the other.
I hope you contact your mom...and if you do...I hope you'll keep us posted...