Well said, Chava!
Our parents grew up in entirely different times and circumstances than ourselves, including the fact that they are different people than ourselves.
I suspect that we are 'supposed' to take the basic good information they have to give, like which plants not to eat, and how to get along with people generally, and to look both ways before crossing the street, and then get on with figuring out our own lives.
I say don't worry too much about feeling bad in the future about 'separating' yourelf from a parent, if you really feel that needs to be done.
'Bad feelings' have a way of niggling/nagging at a person, long before any degree of separation, until we come to a point of resolution, within ourselves.
I think, from my own experiences, that we only need to comfort our inner selves, not even 'understand' all the in's and out's of 'what went wrong'. Once we do the comforting, for ourselves, the 'bad feelings' evaporate. It's a kind of 'grieving', I think. Just sadness for not having 'what could have been'.
Our inner person simply needs to hear SOMEONE say, "There, there, little one. You'll be okay. I'll take care of you."
It is quite alright if we say it to ourselves.
Of course, anyone who must separate themselves from a parent, anyone, does best if they can figure out a way to be polite.
Resolve your own feelings, which is all we can do in any case, be polite as best you can...and life goes on...no sweat.
The only 'bad feelings' that last are those that come from a) not comforting and reassuring ourselves, and b) not finding a way to be polite...not obligated, just polite.
That's how I see it.