Hi Ronnie,
I ran across the following and thought it might be of interest to you:
"No matter what their size,
Gallstones are one of three types:
* Cholesterol stones. These stones are composed mainly of undissolved cholesterol. They're the most common type among people in the United States and Europe. Some of these stones are almost pure cholesterol, but most also have other components, such as calcium and bilirubin (a greenish-yellow waste product produced by your liver).
* Pigment stones. These small, dark brown or black stones form when your bile contains too much bilirubin. It's not always clear what causes them. If your liver is severely scarred from cirrhosis, it may produce too much bilirubin. The destruction of red blood cells in some types of anemia also may cause excess bilirubin to be produced.
* Primary bile duct stones. Unlike stones that form in your gallbladder but escape into your bile ducts, these stones form in the ducts themselves. They're usually soft and brown and made of decomposed bile. "
Is it possible that you passed pigment stones? I thought that might be another explanation.
In Chinese medicine, the liver is adversely effected by strong emotions and stress, and one is advised not to eat anything when upset. By the same token, it might be better to wait until calm to do a flush. It may be a factor in why you didn't have better results.
Sounds like you're being pretty hard on yourself. Be patient and gentle with WILL feel better! ;)