Any bug in the body can be zapped if you have its number. I won't go into details of my own journey of ill health and the need, rather the demand, that I be healed, but I will venture to guess that most who have arrived at he CZ came here through the need for better health. Many most likely have hellish stories of being misdiagnosed, mistreated and abused by the system that I am rebelling against too.
So nothing is being made fun of when it is 'bugs' that are referred too. Some here are feeling so bad internally and are so weakened from their conditions that even the slightest term such as 'bug' is viewed as an affront. People are touchy at the Curezone and it is understandable too. They are toxic in many cases and attempting to clear and feel better so one can understand the occassional outbursts and flame wars that ensue from the
Liver Flushes etc and rashes of excitability that erupt here.
That said I do believe that some get possessive of their illnesses such that it even puts them in a position of honor(!) "Oh look at what I have!" or "I am soooo toxic!" its almost as if they enjoy their condition because of the attention they are getting for it. (sorry folks) I realize this is an unpopular statement but its how I see it.
As for treating a condition without the use of chemicals, drugs or herbs I even think there are those who would refuse it because herbs are 'natural' and from the earth. There are so many fiefdoms even in the area of healing.
The type of healing I have alluded too is called Rife and/or Bio-Resonance Therapy. Do a google and research it. There is a forum at CZ. I know of two practitioners who are eminently qualified to perform this and they have conveyed to me countless stories of healing using this technology. I was so remarkably healed by it myself that I bought a machine (Rife based) for my own usage. It can be used against any type of disease from bio warfare virals, bacterials, cancers etc to all sorts of
parasites and 'bugs'. The machine I own is a Beamray.
I also believe in the use of homeopathics remedies for
parasites and bugs too. Both of these methods are non-herbal and non-chemical. There are those who would disagree with me about the use of rife (sound and light) technology but it works. Proof can be obtained by contacting practitioners of this methodolgy.
In my opinion it is superior for healing. Good luck on your paths and may all those invincible bugs be squished!