You may be suffering a mineral imbalance. Do you have dental weakness? Do you have cavities, pain in teeth? If so the best thing you can do is take in trace minerals everyday, and take a good multi vit/min like Standard Process Inc products, and take a high quality calcium/magnesium supplement. I would try to elliminate flouride & chlorine from food and drink, but use flouridated toothpaste for cavity prevention. Also I would reccomend taking promaline
Iodine from Standard Process. For balance of hormones try Symplex. Eat balanced meals with protein. The root of all illness is an imbalance/deficiency within the body that allows bacteria/virus/
parasite to take hold. Fix the imbalance and the body can fight off the invader. Don't try to fast or detox when ill! Only when the body is balanced and strong can you attempt to detox, if the body is not properly balanced it won't function correctly and the detox may do more harm than good. Trust me I have been going through self-healing for several years and I have been through all the fasting and detoxing plans.
As for clenching and grinding teeth go to Walmart and buy a .97 cent mouth guard and try wearing it at bedtime. Also try the pretend chewing gum while your mouth is closed excercise.
you can order Standard Process from here:
good luck