I am relieved to have found your post on this.
I have been suffering from this for a long time.
I am desperate to find a doctor who will believe me and do the necessary procedure to suction these out of my sinuses.
They get into the maxillary sinuses, which is like a shelf type environment where they are protected from any effects from medication, sinus medication, rinses, etc.
This is how they continue to infect you, over and over.
Once a female and male get in there, they continue to produce eggs and larva, and the cycle continues, over and over again. I have also been diagnosed with 3 brain lesions, and I am convinced it is the worm larva traveling to my brain. The tumors are close to the sinus cavities in my brain. One is on my pituitary gland, another one is on my auditory nerve, near my ear. My neurologist has never seen tumors like this, but he has no clue what it is. As you can imagine, this is a living nightmare. PLEASE, if anyone knows of a doctor or anything to suggest, please take the time to write me,
I am desperate!! aliese@gmail.com