umm hav eyo utried the garlic barrier sold at www.johnnyseeds.com?
also consider leaving soem sunflowers fort hem and netting the one ds for yourself (net the heads.) and spray ones for you with the garlic barrier.
our squirrels were fat as potatos this year lol !
the neigbhbor fed them all winter/ coem spring they were bummblign thier litte lard butts aroun d it was hilarious !
i have soem driedn banana chips in coconut oil i ahd wante dot try adn they are awfultasting 8) so the squrrle slov e those...
and this si true.. might try a feed post nea ryour sunflowers that you put a diversioanlry food on regualry..
might help keep tehm distraced form wha tyou watn.
also youcan get etallic *flashers * ribbeong tha tyou can strign aoun dwher e put ahv eyour palnts scare s of birs ds an stuff tha t is on lookout for visual movemetn..
also hter eare *hawk eye predator* ballon eyes and soemwher eher e i think i postsed a web tha tsold natural predator phermones
ths scare off the a naimal tiehteh scen to fit s most feared predator/ liek feild mice.. it is bobcat etc.
then yo ujstu spinkle alitte bi t along fences wher e teh suireel rin near your sunflowers and that might help
Ami joi Benton
pardon my tyrpign today .. i jstu notice d this post as i was going of fline so am shooting *from teh hip *
have a great day.