M 4/23/07
This posting is written, in part, post process and during.
Haven't done the MC, but this is part of it, therefore my post
After seeing a 90 minute spike of 170/110 on my first SWF, a couple of weeks ago, I wasn’t readily willing to do it again, anytime soon. One person suggested I wasn’t hydrated enough, or that I shouldn’t have any food in me; or that I should not have done it in the afternoon; or that regular
Sea Salt was inadvisable - that Himalayan stuff is expensive. I paid $1.29 for more than a pound and half of Trader Joe’s.
Anyway, other’s had posted about their spikes getting into the 180’/120’s, so I did not feel as threatened by my numbers after seeing that.
I decided to take the calculated risk of doing it again, with a little better preparation. The day before I decided to do an egg/lime/oil liver flush, which by the way I found to be totally ineffective (3rd try) So on that day, that was all I had to “eat”. That was about 6pm. 4 hours later I did an enema (as recommended), first time for that. I don’t see how anyone can get 2
quarts in them, I could barely do 2 cups. Took five flush and fills before I got through it all. Anyway 1st 2 were clear with a few hard poops, but certainly not from the eggs/lime/oil I had, the next 3 were murky brown with a lot of, what I assumed was citrus pulp, from the day before that. Even after I was done, I had a few more trips to the bathroom with the same results.
The following morning, did another smaller enema. Still initially murky brown and citrus pulp, then generally clear with additional sedimentation. There were small flecks of red and black which seem suspended in a mucous like string. Very small, very thin, not more than ½
inch. And I don’t think it was blood. I pulled some up on a Q-tip and it did not smear like you might expect blood to do. It was more consistent and solid. Again, not much of it.
Later in the morning I did have another small BM which would have been consistent with the volume of the egg/lime /oil from the night before. The only thing I had in the morning was a cup of water with ¼ tsp of cinnamon (just starting on gluscose reduction protocol – that’s a whole other story. By the way, I also discovered that what we, in this country, think is cinnamon, really IS NOT! (Edited Note on 4/26: Cinnamon is the U.S. is actually Cassia bark AND was, in fact, used in the study. It is cautioned that too much of it can be toxic due to the presence of coumarin - could not find exactly how much is too much)
So, I worked out in the morning, followed with 8oz of EmergenC for an electrolyte boost, waited an hour drank 3 cups of distilled water and hour later another cup of distilled water with 1/8 tsp of
Sea Salt .
Monitored my BP all day. Consistently stayed under 120/80 all day.
So, the time had come. Let a couple of hours go so I would have the room to be able to drink my salt water. I was well hydrated, I was empty by this nearly 2 day fast period and had given myself a small electrolyte buffer between the EmergenC and
Sea Salt .
4:pm (Never bought into the morning only requirement of the SWF)
Last check of BP – 123/84 (I expected it to be slightly higher as I was nervous to do this again, but I was prepared for a spike, this time.
Drank it all down pretty quick. (Note: after dealing with Epson salts for 2 years, this salt barely had a tinge of bad taste – didn’t bother me at all)
Planned to to take readings every 15 minutes.
I never take just one reading on my monitor. Movement, or bad positioning can vastly affect the result. So after 15 minutes, I read 156/91. The first time I had done this, I was 136/86 after 20 minutes, so there was a lot of trepidation as to the next reading. However, I readjusted the sleave and tried again and it was under 150/90.
THEN, THE BIG SHOCK! After 30 minutes it was under 140/90. After 45 minutes it was jumping just above and below 130’s.
At the point of my 1st elimination at exactly the 2 hour mark, it was still near normal in the 120’s/80’s. That 1st elimination was small, but a very murky olive brown and sedimentation. Not much floating around.
6:30 pm. BP still 120’s/80’s. Drank another EmergenC in 12
oz distilled water.
7:30 pm Drank a 16
oz combination of juiced grapes, oranges (+distilled water), 3 tbsp ACV and a couple of pro-biotic capsules. Still no second elimination. BP 120’s/80’s
If I hit 9pm without a second elimination, I’ll pull out the enema bag to rinse out – probably use it anyway.
9pm. No second elimination. Did a saline rinse. Not much.
10pm. A 16
oz diluted fleet rinse (7:1). Fairly clean BP: Just about 120/80 +/-
Had some orange juice/cranberry juice and a LaYogurt.
End of my day.
CONCLUSION: Until I do a repeatable 3rd attempt, it would seem certain minimal preparation is necessary. Time of day is not significant. Being hydrated is (and probably affected the BP) and having an empty bowel is (a couple of days fast) … or so it seems. My first encounter of the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) was not in the context of fasting, so I just did it. Scared the heck out of me. The other thing is that I went 3 days of (almost) complete fasting and it wasn’t even thinking about it.
Hope this helps somebody.