Homeopathic Phosphorus: is not an herb, it in not a tinture it will not raise your blood phosphorus level.
Homeopathy is a highly systematic method of powerfully stimulating the body's own
healing processes in order to cure illness. The word Homeopathy comes from two Greek words: Homoios which means similar, and Pathos which means suffering. The word Homeopathy means "to treat with something that produces an effect similar to the suffering". This law of similars "Similia Similibus Curentur", the concept of likes cure likes is the basic principle of homeopathy. It was first recorded by Hippocrates, who noticed that herbs given in a low dose tend to cure the same symptoms as they produce in a large poisoning dose.
In the early 1800's a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, made a similar observation. He spent the next six years systematically testing the observation on himself and fellow physicians. He found that any substance experimentally produce a specific set of symptoms when given to a healthy person, can cure those symptoms when given to a sick person.
Homeopathic medicines (called "remedies") are specially prepared by pharmacists from natural substances, mostly plants and minerals. When a patient's symptoms are similar to those of a particular remedy, that remedy acts as a powerful stimulus to the body's healing mechanisms.
Throughout history, dis-ease has been viewed from two fundamentally different perspectives:
1. As a malfunction of specific components of the body, where symptoms are seen as a dis-ease itself.
2. As a result of a deeper disturbance or imbalance of the person as a whole, of which symptoms are simply the outward manifestation.
The first viewpoint is the basis underlying modern orthodox medicine. Whatever symptoms arise are counteracted by drugs, ( a decongestant for a runny nose, an analgesic for pain, etc.
Homeopathy is based on the second viewpoint. An imbalance in the vital force is considered to be the origin of illness. Symptoms, whether mental, emotional, or physical, are expressions of this imbalance.
In homeopathy, treatment is based on the totality and uniqueness of the person, not solely on the specific condition or dis-ease. The task of the homeopath is to match the total picture of symptoms and individualizing characteristics provided by the patient with a homeopathic remedy. The result is to stimulate the vital force to return it to balance and there-by ameliorating the symptoms. In short, homeopathy treats people not dis-eases.