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Following is from the budget page of the FDA (
(i post the below because i feel like there is something really f'in fishy about needing $10.6 million to spend on food safety -- what will this involve, i wonder? eroding organic standards and trying to blame vegetables for foodborne illnesses? ugh. i just despair!
Strengthening Food Safety
+$10,664,000, + 15 FTE
More than 250 different foodborne illnesses are food safety threats. Based on CDC estimates, 76 million Americans become sick, more than 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 die each year from foodborne illnesses. Recent outbreaks highlight the need for increased resources to strengthen food safety and enhance FDA’s ability to reduce and respond to foodborne outbreaks.
If FDA does not receive funding for this initiative, FDA will make limited progress on preventing and reducing foodborne illness. FDA will also have difficulty maintaining public confidence in the safety of fresh produce.
What activities will these funds support?
The Strengthening Food Safety Initiative funds four FDA components: the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), and Office of Crisis Management (OCM). These entities deliver FDA’s food safety and foodborne illness response.
CFSAN +$4,000,000
better methods to rapidly detect and attribute foodborne illness outbreaks
quicker intervention to reduce illnesses and deaths from contaminated food
faster and more thorough traceback (tracking contamination to its source)
training for state and local agencies on analyzing food safety data
hiring microbiologists to improve the safety fresh produce
ORA +$5,500,000
improve FDA’s capacity to determine the root cause of an outbreak
equip and strategically position traceback teams in produce-growing regions
training and equipment for state offices that respond to produce-related outbreaks
deploy an IT decision system to detect high risk imports of FDA-regulated products
NCTR +$500,000 & OCM +$644,000
new methods to detect foodborne pathogens, select agents, and toxins
geographic information system mapping for faster emergency response