train81...Being able to heal my own eczema of the hands about 20 years ago, is what
really got my name out in our community...connected to natural remedies.
I had been to 5 dermatologists...a couple of them a good distance away. We had spent over $1,000 trying to heal my hands. They were red...oozie...they would
crust over and then split. It was a mess!!! And very painful.
I had heard Dr. Andrew Weil on tv talking about such things and he even gave a simple formula for it. Back then, I wasn't as into 'recording' every single thing
I thought 'might' be of any I am now. So I grabbed a pencil
and started taking notes, but I knew I had missed some of what he had said.
My home library wasn't quite as extensive way back then..and I didn't have any of
his books or my computer, so I went to the library and started researching.
I was able to heal my own hands within a week or so and since then have given the
formula to many people and I don't know of a time that it didn't work. And it was
done for 'pennies'.
I took 5 Brewers Yeast capsules...(I think I took those twice daily)
One Vit B 50 Complex .. morning and night (never take that on an empty tummy)
One Vit C...1,000 mg...morning and night
And back then...I took a multi I continued that.
I'm telling you the was like a hands were totally healed
and as smooth as a baby's bottom within 2 weeks. And I haven't had a problem since.
My husband wasn't a believer in natural healing back then...but he was so happy about me being able to finally heal my hands...he went to work at the plant and told
a couple of his friends that I had finally healed my horrible, painful hands and he
was so relieved. Within a few weeks, word spread and one of the men at the plant
came to him and showed him HIS hands and Billy said his hands were as bad or worse
than mine. The man wanted to know if I could help him. Billy wasn't really that
thrilled about getting into the middle of me helping this man. He called me back
then...and still does today...Dr. Katy Quack. :-) And he calls natural healing
Natural Voo Doo....but guess where he comes running when he wants to 'treat' something. :-)
ANYWAY...he told the man he would have me write the formula down and he would bring
it the next day. Within 2 weeks, this man came to him and showed him his hands
and they were totally healed also.
I've given the formula to many since then and have never known it to fail. Now
TODAY...knowing what I do about juicing, etc...I would probably suggest a big change
in diet...some sugar, etc. And I don't know if the same formula would
work on the face as it does the hands...but I don't know why it wouldn't.
One more story, I was in a check out line one day...and the elderly lady in front
of me was paying...and she turned to her daughter and asked her to write the check...she said he hands were so painful she just couldn't. I looked down at
her hands and they were raw, cracked and oozie...just looked awful.
I leaned over to her and said, "I know you're going to think you're on Candid Camera...but I can help you heal those hands within 2 weeks and it's only going to
cost you about $10 at Walmart." She was estatic...said she'd wait till I was done
to talk to me. She was in her 70's and she said washing dishes or bathing just
nearly send her into fits. I gave her the formula on the back of her cash register
receipt...and wrote my phone number down in case she had any questions. She just
happened to live an hour north of here...and was passing through. But she contacted
me in about 3 weeks to say she just couldn't thank me enough for the formula...and
that her hands were healed and she wanted my address to send me something. I told
her that wasn't necessary...but to call me if she had any more problems. I heard
from her a couple more times over the next year. And she was always so grateful.
I have so many stories like that.
I hope you will give the formula a try and let us know if it works for you. And
don't let it's 'simplicity' discourage you.