I'm at my whits end:
Some of the symptoms I list I've had for 20 years or more.
I started many years ago to get a cough and sinus problems. But even today I get the hacking cough (that hangs on for months). Later, I began to get achy joints (random body pings), itchiness in my ears, nose and around my mouth, swishing in both ears, fatigue (no real energy) for alot of years, thrush, constipation, stiff lower back, anal itch, jock itch, conjuctivitus (white film)in my eyes for 20 years or more.
I've seen doctors umpteen times and never get any help. Prescribed meds or over the counter medications don't help either.
I recently read about oil pulling . . . and womdering if that process wouldn't help. The information I read tells about swishing oil in the mouth. Is that the complete procedure, or is there more to it than that? Please give me the scoop please. If OP is for me - how long will it take to see improvement?
My diet is good, I have not lost or gained weight, sleep good at night, I take Dilantin (for epilepsy) and Paxol (which I started on the onset of the body aches ....thinking it was caused by being stressed out).
My mother doesn't think all what I've described here can all be related (to one thing).
Thank you,