Hi modis. Thank you for responding to my message. Sorry about your headaches. I hope you feel better soon.
Anyways, it turns out that my headaches lasted only 2 days. Now they are gone. Boy I am happy about that. I hope that I don't get anymore headaches while I am on the Colonix. I had bad headaches. I will be doing the Colonix Cleanse for 2 months and then I will be doing a liver cleanse after. This is day 11 on the Colonix cleanse for me now. I still got a long way to go. So far so good and I still am having 3-4 bowel movements. However today, I had 5 bowel movements so far. I still haven't seen any
parasites yet.
Modis, hang in there. Don't throw in the towel and give up because your getting non-stop headaches. I know you can continue doing your cleanse. This Colonix Cleanse seems so far to be great! I will try to help you out here. Let me tell you what I did to lessen the pain while I had my headaches for the 2 days and maybe my advice here would help you. First I drank plenty of water, I even drank much more water than is recommended to drink daily by DrNatura. Also, what I found lessened the headache pain I would take Asprin Free Excedrin Geltabs every 4-6 hours. I would take the aspirin free Excedrin not at the same times that I took the Colonix. As I mentioned this didn't get rid of my headaches, it just made the pain much less and tolerable. I hope this helps.
Also, when I had these headaches, I called the DrNatura(Colonix)customer service to ask them what was causing my headaches. They told me that it could be die-off taking place in my body. If you get die-off while your cleansing your body, that means the cleansing is working. Unfortuately, die-off is no fun. Die-off happens when parasites, candida are dying in your body while your on the Paranil and Colonix. As these
parasites are dying they expel toxics, they could give you any number of side effects such as headaches, flu symptoms, stomach problems, itchy skin, brain fog and many others. This is a good sign but yet a bad sign for you. It is good that your killing the
parasites but the bad side effects can make you feel sick. So many times you will feel worse before you actually start feeling better.
I then asked the people in DrNatura how long will I have my headache for. There answer was that it just depends how toxic your body is. The more toxic your body is the longer you can experience die-off symptoms. They also told me that if my headaches continue to stay bad, to lessen the dosage of the Paranil capsules
parasite killer. Instead of taking the max dosage of 4 a day, reduce it to 2 a day until my headaches go away and still stay on the Colonix fiber at regular dosage. Once my headaches are gone, I then could go back to 4 a day if I wanted to.
I have been lucky because my headaches only lasted 2 days and I hope they don't come back. I didn't have to lessen the dosage of the Paranil.
The customer service of DrNatura are very friendly and nice people to talk to. They gave me great advice. They are very knowledgeable.
Modis, I hope that I helped you. I also wish the best for you to get rid of those headaches. And once again I hope you feel better. I hope that you continue with the Colonix cleaning. Hang in there. And good luck, my friend.