Are you communicating with your doctor directly about this cleanse? Not taking meds for bi-polar disorder is VERY dangerous. Did your doctor recommend that you stop taking them while on the cleanse? ...or did you stop taking them because someone told you not to take meds while on the Master Cleanse?
Taking suppliments while on the Master Cleanse is not advised. Who advised these suppliments? What suppliments could possibly replace meds for bi-polar disorder? Your meds for bi-polar disorder is not something that you should decide that you can just do without. I personally have known three different people who were bi-polar and are no longer among the living - and this was directly due to not being able to make rational decisions because they decided on their own to quit taking their meds.
Don't listen to the advice of people on the internet or elsewhere who do not have your complete medical history and the ability to understand it. Please...please..please - check with your doctor about this. Cleansing is not as important as your life.
Truthfully concerned,
Taking suppliments interferes with the cleansing during. Not only that but you will - most likely just expell the suppliments in the form of butt-pee from the SWF. The MC gives the digestive system a rest while allowing healing to take place - whereever needed. MC takes out the trash. After the cleanse is over - take your suppliments. All of the nutrition you need is in the lemonade. Adding anything that is not TOTALLY neccessary makes the MC less effective. If you want optimal results, do the MC exactly as it is written.