I am on day 50 of a 90 day
parasite Cleanse. All the symptoms you are describing sound like he had them pretty bad and yes, all of them sound normal.
I work in a Health Food Store as my 2nd job and have for several years. I pride myself as being a healthnut but have over the years struggled with Candida due to doctors over prescribing anti-biotics to me from the age of 13 to 23. This pretty much destroyed my entire alimentary tract and I am contantly struggling with the discomforts of digestions and elimination problems (even with good diet and loads of pro-biotics).
I ususally have the yeast under control but this past year, the symptoms I had would not go away. Even after yeast cleansing, proper diet and a few colonics, the elimination and digestive symptoms go worse. My colon therapist pointed out that I had symptoms of
parasites due to seeing mucous and extreme constipation during a
colonic in May (I had not had a
colonic in over 3 years).
I immediately started to take Paracide, an Innerlight product she sold me that has the
Wormwood and clove etc. I had to change to a vegetable juice diet of mostly greens like kale and such. I switched my protein from a whey protein to a vegan protein so I could ingest protein. For the first 19 days, I went to straight liquids because the
colonic also showed that I was no longer digesting my foods (and I take (2) type of digestive aids with every meal!). I had to still get micro nutrients so the juices and protein provided this to me.
I knew I would experience die off from the parastie cleanse. I know what it is and how it feels due to dealing with candida die off but the
parasite die off has been severe. I am athletic and there were days I could barely get out of bed. The toxic feeling in unreal. Headaches, irratability, nausea, digestive issues, more gas than you have ever known in your life (all day and all night).
I had to start drinking loads of charcoal several times a day to deal with the gas and in the begining was going for a colonic every (2) to (4) days. Thank God for that procedure because the die off caused such severe constipation I thought for a while I was going to die.
I am on day (49) and it is finally getting better. I only go for a colonic once a week now (thank God for this procedure but it was truly breaking me $$ wise). I continue to stick to mainly fresh organic veggie juices, occasional home made soups (lentil and such) NO BREADS, NO SUGARS, I drink warm water with lemon, lots of herbal teas and also now take yeast killing agents (such as yeast cleanse by Soloray) since
parasites and yeast are best buddies. I still drink the charcoal but found that the following combo helps me deal with the (still) constant gas issues:
organic fennel tea / organic ginger tea / organic burdock tea and a homiopathic pellets (30C) of carbo veg taken several times throughout the day. I put one tea bag of each in one cup of tea and drink several times a day.
The fact that I still have gas and still have trouble digesting foods shows that I am STILL KILLING THEM however, it is getting better (slowly but surely getting much better).
When I went on websites and read through all the lists of symptoms, I realize that I must have had these things for at least 3 or maybe even 4 years.
I was unable to lose weight for (3) years even though I train for running events. Since starting this cleanse on July 16 2009 I have lost over 10 pounds. Inability to lose weight is a
parasite symptom.
What has helped the most? -
colonics and the Paracide. Everything else I do helps too of course but if it wasn't for the colonic to help cleane out the severe constipation a couple times a week, I truly don't know where I would be. Oh and don't forget, TAKE YOUR PRO-BIOTICS (Acidophilus and such). The other is, stick to your organic veggies juice, mix it with great oils such as flax and coconut.
parasites lose their footing when oils line the alimentary tract.
To anybody reading this, DON'T STOP YOUR CLEANSING WHEN IT GETS BAD. Parasites do no stop re-producing or feeding off of your cells and organcs SO WHEN IT GETS BAD FIGHT TO HANG IN THERE. I am here to tell you that it gets better. It gets better I promise.
My cleanse ends on October 15, 2009. I am not even sure that I will stop everything I am doing and I know one thing for sure, this has changed me - I don't think I will be the same person after going through this.
Where do I think I contracted the parasites?? My guess is probably sushi. I love it and had eaten it every week on Saturday for the past (3) years without EVER thinking about the fact that raw fish may have a parasite. I don't do that much meat and when I do, its usually organic but hey, sushi seemed healthy in my mind somehow.
This is coming to you from a VERY health concious person. I don't even take medication any more (havent for years). I am holistic and no, parasites did not occur to me.
Like I said, I will never be the same. Knowledge is power, I hope anybody reading this feels better soon. Hang in there, if you are doing a parasite cleanse, you are doing the right thing