For those of us that have been downloading the pdf of the
Master-Cleanse book online...
A) Alisa Burroughs(Stan's daughter) is not too happy and deserves the
business from the publishing of Stanley's book!(I'm working on The 'offical' pdf version)
B) It has been transcribed, most times INCORRECTLY. We deserve the truth!!!
C) CureZone deserves the support!!! Buy the book through those that support us!!!
After my session (below) re:Pulp 'Fiction', I diligently researched,for I truly believe/believed that the lemon pulp works and is an 'official' part of the master cleanse. I was sure of it...
Well,I lazily looked at a pdf I found on line and of course there it was, under
The >Diabetic< I was told that the pulp and skin were only for diabetics. Unskathed by other's influence(as always),I reread the whole pdf, then,
broke out my 'in the flesh' copy, of
The Master Cleanser ,1993 ed.
Low and behold!!! Unless blindness is a symptom I'm experiencing on day 14,
THERE IS NO DIABETIC SECTION!!! Check out page 19, does anyone have a copy that
states otherwise? Please let me know.
I'm sorry I didn't beeline it to the book when in doubt,like we all should !
I have done quite a bit of research on lemon pulp and skin. It is a hemostatic, it acts like a magnet. Yesterday I had an enlightening elimination. Solid globs of sludge on day 13. I must admit I did not blend all of the pulp. I sometimes swallow seeds...well, the lemon remnants were completely coated 1/4-3/8" in solid sludge. I also didn't do the tea the night before or the swf in the a.m.. Everything came out on it's own...naturally! I was 'running' clean until that time...what a surprise.
Great motivation to keep going strong!
I must say that skipping any of the prescribed tea or swf is NOT advisable for new folks, however they are "aids" in elimination, and by the use of pulp and upping the cayenne to at least 1/4-1/2tsp I have found excellent results. Naturally. I did a swf this morning as usual, as I believe it is important. And blending is suggested in the book so I am going to do it right. I will experiment and keep everyone posted. I was going to stop using the pulp, per the advise that it was not official,now I will do it every time...I like that I'm not just tossing the peel away,too. C: Especially now that my Hawaiian lemon tree is picked clean and I gotta fork out for them. :P
Once again going by the book proves to be the best way to go! It always is. Especially for you newer folks. Experimentation is good , yet only when you have the experience and really know your body, while having detoxed/cleansed/fasted &/or
have lived a healthy lifestyle. Stanley's prescription for the
Master-Cleanse has been around since the 40's and 99.99999%(to my knowledge) of the people who have done the program 'right' have realized optimum results. It is not for everyone ,if you can't follow the program for your first few cleanses, then you should try something else. It is a simple approach ,though radical and can be dangerous if played with or if one is extremely unhealthy. So,Don't skip,skimp or squander...follow the program!
I strongly urge everyone who (as I did) uses the pdfs on line to think twice,thrice(A,B&C above) and cough up the measly couple of bucks to support truly worthy causes.
I mentioned that CZ blocking/removing the pdfs was censorship and I apologize.
I give them the right to censor me... well, at least black tape over my mouth :P
I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong...
Support our forum! Support Alisa! Support each other!
there are always "sequels" ...
aloha...detour 14/50
Happy Valentine's Day! Today:
-I'm hugging a maple tree today...I'm only using 1 tablespoon of syrup per glass!
-I'm hugging a lemon and squeezing every possible drop out of each that I juice.
-I'm hugging a cayenne pepper plant and snorting my 1/4 teaspoon... :P