I like Soveriegn Silver from natural Immunogenics. Will it help heal acne? Yes it will, to a degree, as Trapper said. You have a better shot at clearing your skin internally with liver/colon flushes and getting on a natural antiparasitic for while, at least a month.I recommend Eastpark olive leaf for this. You might also want to cut back on
Sugar and carbs as this can excacerbate your acne. CS will help knock out bacteria and
parasite eggs if you take it consistently, internally and externally. I use a couple of
ounces per day. It is believed by
Hulda Clark that
Acne is actually from
parasites or IS
parasites (yuck). I spay my face everyday with CS after showering and have not had a breakout in a long time. Get a spray bottle of CS and let us know how it works out for you after spraying for 2-4 weeks.