I had my Mirena removed on Monday also. It was nothing at all to have it removed, I didn't feel a thing. My doctor was shocked because I copied ALOT of the messages on this site and gave them to her. She hadn't heard of any of the symptoms that are mentioned time and time again here. She is going to do some of her own research. I'm am so relieved to have it gone. I really haven't felt different yet. I still have been getting panic feelings at night (around 4pm) and snapping at the kids. I know I have to give this some time and I've been trying some breathing exercises to get through the night. My doctor asked me to journal my feelings, physically and mentally for the next few months then I'll see her again. I don't think any doctor would want to advise us to use something if they knew it could possibly hurt us. I'm so thankful that my Doctor took the time to listen and believe me. Time will tell if the Mirena was my problem, which I'm sure it was.
Anyone have some good ideas about ways to get healthier quicker. I take a good Multi-vitamin & calcium and I'm trying to resume my workouts and get some exercise in. I busted my butt to lose 40
lbs. after having my last baby, then I gained 25
lbs. with the Mirena. I have to do it again!!