Yes a pippet is the same as a dropper! If you buy a nebuliser I suggest the superiority of the OMRON range, which I have one myself. Xylitol
Sugar can be bought from many health stores but don't come away with Stevia or any other
Sugar substitute because you need this particular one (xylitol) to do the job. No you just add a small pinch full in a small amount of Colloidal Ionic Silver or Distilled water and then mix alittle then suck and squirt ;-)
Do not worry about Colloidal Ionic Silver intake, this has been used for a very long time and under large amounts with some people such as myself. Cats, Dogs, Babies, Children, Adults, Horses its one of the safest products around and one of the best if used correctly and in the right dosages. If you nebulise your son you should do 6ml each session and do 2 sessions a day for 4 days then drop to 1 every 2-4 days. You will notice it needs doing alot less once its corrected but maintenance should be carried on to keep it this way.
Cayenne is an amazing spice for health.
When I say pure I mean Distilled water. Reverse Osmosis water should be Ozonated afterwards because of the poisonous affect on the body. Oxygenation is nothing to do with Magnesium. Oxygenation is when either extra ambient O2 Oxygen (air) is within the water such as a Vitaliser Plus which adds 30% ambient. Now OZONE or H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) and different manufacturered drops create SINGLET oxygen (o1) which is a radical which destroys fungi, viruses, parasites, bacteria, pollution etc. When you Oxygenate your given your body a boost which helps remove pollution by cleansing the organs, tissue and cells. Ozone is the best form by far and with the right treatment Ozone can destroy any known disease.