"In other words, medically unjustified foreskin amputation of boys ultimately diminishes the intensity of orgasms for both men and women!"
Crazy isn't it? And forget about the ramifications of whacking off a hunk of highly sensitive skin from the penis of a HELPLESS DAY OLD BABY who can never understand what's happening to him but feels only hideous pain an the nerve center of his sexual being?
What does this do to men psychologically??? All so they "won't be teased at school"? or "It looks nicer?"
Any woman who's heard their baby boy crying and screaming as he's having his foreskin sliced off would have to be psychotic to go along with such a thing. Of course nowadays it happens in a nice operating room away from everybody so "Mom" doesn't have to be inconvenienced in this way.
If I had a baby boy (my husband and I are childless) I'd rather die than hurt him like this. If anyone tried to do this to him I'd knock their block off.