I have tried many remedies and protocols off this forum. Oil Pulling (OP) has been the easiest and most effective in terms of getting an early bang for your buck, so to speak. I think it is an excellent suggestion because people see and feel benefits so quickly that maybe they are stimulated to move forward in other, more difficult ways (cleansing, flushing, diet modification, etc.) because of the early success they will see with OP.
Given the choice of swishing oil in one's mouth for 15-20 minutes a day (nothing that one hasn't mastered at the dentist when you rinse your mouth out) vs., say, stopping all sugars, processed foods, dairy, giving up alcohol and cigarettes, drinking (for your friend, based on his weight) 150
oz. of water a day...don't you think that he will want to sit at his desk and do the OP? It is such an easy way to begin this process.
It is really up to him to be responsible about his health. My theory based on my experience, and from watching friends struggle more recently, is that people get big, sick, and depressed because of it and feel like nothing can be done. So not true!
If your friend is really desperate to change, he will follow your suggestion. Most people are not desperate to change. A lot of that is fear-based. I remember when I started oil pullling and I didn't know how to do it, and felt like I was doing something weird or strange, or wacky. Then I considered the vast amount of prescription drugs I have taken without ever thinking twice about them! It is a BIG LEAP to take your health back into your own hands. I am always surpised when people say, "God, you look so great!" and I tell them about OP and they don't run out and buy a bottle of coconut oil! The sad truth is, the "I can't change -- I'll always be this fat-sick-miserable" mentality is a powerful and pervasive one. And fighting somthing as powerful as, say, a sugar/carbs addiction is really hard, too -- that's why this site and the forums are so helpful. Your friend can learn to rely on others for their experience, and see what he himself might be able to offer once he's had a week or so of experience.
Tell your friend to visit the OP forum! See if he will suspend judgment and keep an open mind for two weeks and give 15 minutes a day to the very simple and inexpensive process involved. No ands, ifs, or buts. Just do it, for two weeks. If he doesn't see and feel a difference, no harm done, and he can go back to steaks and Rush Limbaugh. (Come to think of it, maybe I will send some oil and instructions to Rush! Can't talk with your mouth full....)
Good luck. You are a real sweetheart for being a helpful and considerate friend like this! We will be very nice to your friend if he shows up over at OP....