Hi Ya'll,
When people choose to Drink Drinks or eat foods which are overloaded in Potassium, this starts the Release of Fatty Acids into the Lymphatic system, which means that the body may become more Acidic, until these Fatty Acids have been gotten rid of by the body !
"IF" you do not want to get rid of Fatty Acids, then you must keep your Sodium Levels up !
So, by Releasing Fatty Acids, you Cause the Lymphatic Fluids to become more Acidic at First !
But, if you increase the Calcium enough, this may help Buffer these Acids and by taking some Epsom Salts, may Help the Liver and the Kidneys to get rid of these Toxins and Fatty Acids !
Also, you would need to drink more clean water to help the body Remove these extra Acids and Toxins from your body !
And if you want to get rid of these Fatty Acids, you need to do this during the Hot weather months, or you may get too Cold and then get a Cold or Flu etc , if doing it in Cold weather times of the year !
If you keep the Sodium Levels up, then the body may not Release these Fatty Acids into the Lymphatic Fluids !
Isn't the body amazing ?
Smile Tis your choice.