Hi, I'm sorry, I don't know too much about your situation but I do know from what you wrote that it is totally off, I mean WRONG. No one, including your grandmother has the right to make you feel like sh*t and even physically accost you... and you have the responsibility to your self to make it stop. I don't know if you are a minor but I would urge you to try to find a different place to live, maybe with a friend or another relative or by yourself if that is feasible... again, i have no idea what your situation is.. But it is abuse, even old crotchety women can be abusive... their fraility and age doesn't exonerate them.... I am sorry for your pain, really I am. I cut myself very badly for a while and have horrible scars on my arm from it. It is very frustrating because I can never wear short sleeves and I am trying to get over the shame... of course the other scars, like these will fade... but, I can feel your pain if you would resort to that, cuz I have been there. Do what you gotta do to get OUT is my opinion. I really wish you the best. Be strong, just like you are.