Hi #70428
There is definitely discrepancy over the use of ozonated oil for the mop-up program. I read somwhere and posted on my website the following: Dr. Clark recommends the use of lightly or partially ozonated olive oil for internal use, as a part of a
parasite cleansing program and in order to remove PCB's from the body ( by taking 2 tablespoons of lightly ozonated olive oil three times a day for 2-3 weeks ).
In light of the obvious discrepancies, my personal recommendation would be to find a happy medium taking all recommendations into account. I do not believe that even fully ozonated olive oil, which is hundreds of times more potent, is toxic or detrimental to the body. I had one customer who took 3 tablespoons of fully ozonated olive oil by mistake and although it caused a lot of gas, bloating and discomfort for about two days, at the end of the two days she felt that something major had changed for the better and had far more energy.
It seems obvious to me that my information is incorrect. This protocol is by no means new, so perhaps it has changed over the course of time to reflect individual user's experiences? More is not necessarily better. If Dr Clark's book says 3tbs ozonated olive oil once a day. 1/2tbs morning and night, or 3tbs once a day, then that would suggest you have a choice in the matter of how often a day you wish to take the oil and how much to take at that time. I think the amount is correct and should not be changed. i will change my website to reflect this new knowledge. One thing I can say with certainty is that it should be taken on an empty stomach so the nascent oxygen does not interact with food. Thus stated, one could choose to use the oil once or twice a day depending on lifestyle choices.
I hope this helps to clear up the issue. I've learned something, thanks.