Our dear cat Blackjack died yesterday.
He was the guardian of the land, the caretaker of our cats, the protector.
Each time we got home, Blackjack would run out, wait for us to get out of the car and walk us right to the door. Rain, shine or snow.
13 years ago my friend said he had kittens and did we want one. We thought we'd go and see if we'd adopt a kitty as a gift for the children's birthday.
I walked into his kitchen and leaned back on the counter. As I looked down, there was Blackjack, sitting right between my feet, looking up directly at my eyes as if saying: "let's go home."
Each day, he would sit by our entryway, and wait for the kids as they walk home from school. Throughout the years kids of all ages would stop and pet and chat with him, and on occassion try to walk home with him in tow. Of course, he'd faithfully return.
As I brought him out yesterday, and laid him by his favorite pinebush, his hididng spot, I asked God to look after him. It was cold and dreary. He could no longer stand. Atfer sharing a few last moments with him, including all the kikats, we then gave him a bit of time to smell his familiar place, and take in the sounds and air.
A few moments later, I went back to check on him and saw in amazement that the sun was out and shining gloriously, a multitude of birds were perching low in the branches of our bushes, singing and flying about and there was a breeze, gently blowing about. God, had indeed graced Blackjack with a beautiful goodbye.
Then, as I rubbed him and held his paw, as the church bells rang twelve, he breathed his last breaths, and left us all the better for having shared our lives.
Right afertward, it got gray and windy, a strong wind, perhaps his last run through the land...
We miss him...
MadArt (ist)