Girlfriend had it on her mouth five years ago - and old boyfriend after that had genetial herpes. We have been dating for two months doing both unprotected sex and oral sex. No problems until last week...
I noticed a red bump, like a very large zit three quarters of the way down my penis. Also had another little "scrape" about half way down. We continued having sex and the bump hasn't gone away. Sometimes it has a little whitehead on it like a zit. I have none of the other normal symptoms and the red bump I have now doesn't burn and isn't itchy.
I went to the doctor and hour ago and he looked at it for about 10 seconds and said it was definitely herpes.
1. Should I trust this doctor's opinion from him just looking at my penis? He has been an MD since '58. He didn't do any swabbing.
2. If my girlfriend only had oral herpes, is it possible for her to give me genetial herpes? - Only other thing of note is that now she is complaining about pain in her vagina - and she is going to get tested tomorrow. But I'm really confused about a couple things. A) why did it take two months for something to happen - B) If she only has oral herpes how did she pass it to my penis - we only had oral sex once in the last month and it didn't last long at all.