Time again for me to respond and make the needed corrections to http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=804128
First we should note that Alkali Metals are Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium and Francium. Calcium is not part of the Alkali family, but part of the Alkali Earth metal family. This is a historical name, and a chemist would more accurately describe it as member of group II. We should also note that few of the salts formed by the alkali metals are actually alkaline (basic), and a basic substance does not have to have Alkali substance. Basic substances are occasionally called alkaline by laypeople, but this is an inaccurate term, scientists will use the accurate term 'base'.
None of these release Electro-magnetic energy to the body. And the body does not have the capacity to put EM energy to use. The reaction of calcium with “water soluble” acids (what is he trying to distinguish it from?), an example would be
Ca(s) + 2HCl(aq) → Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) + H2(g)
However, pure calcium is not found in the body or in nature for that matter, rather it is found in compound form. Most common forms are, Calcium citrate/lactate/acetate, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate.
The statement that “ Calcium which may have it's Electro-magnetic Energy Released by water soluble Acids, these may not necessarily build the strongest Bones in your body” is so insane I don't even know where to begin to refute it! Needless to say, its false, and worse there is not an iota of evidence to think it would be true. Its like he is single-handedly trying to re-write all we know about biology on a crazy whim. The nuttiness continues with “ Bones may Require Different forms of Electro-magnetic Energy, than the Flesh or Tissue of your body”, may be he should zap himself with an EM generator and not bother eating.
“As some Vitamins are of an Acid water Base, these may "NOT" produce the same results as Vitamins of an Acid Oil Base”, does not make any sense. Due to his poor language skills and limited vocabulary, we have to assume that he means that there are water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. Though it is just redundant to state that they have different results, what would you expect for different vitamins. Even 2 different vitamins that are both water/fat soluble will have different results because they are DIFFERENT VITAMINS – did he expect something else?
And this may have to do with how these Acids may Cause or prevent the suspension or Depositing of the Electro-magnetic Energy of the Calcium and other Alkaline Minerals in the needed areas of the body which may be needing repairs done
He is really covering his ass on this one. They “cause” or “prevent” and either it is the “suspension” or the deposition. He might well say, “I don't know” and spare us the trouble of reading another rambling and error filled post.
Vitamin D is not an oil based acid. It is not an acid, nor is it an oil. It is an fat soluble vitamin, that is essential to osteogenesis. I won't even go into the “oxides”
There is a lot of misinformation from the politically incorrect uneducated self-proclaimed expert that calls himself Moreless – it should always be read with the assumption that he is wrong.
Color me Blue.
You are finally right about one thing “Fulcanel”, I in my rush I wrote Alkali Earth when my intention was Alkaline Earths – though unlike you I do not need to check the internet for this.
I wrote the majority of salts, you choose to restrict yourself to carboxylate salts – I am correct. We would expect all salts from the same family to have similar characteristics. But since carboxylate salts are just a small portion of the compounds that can be formed with group 1 elements, you are wrong. Not only that, your examples are not really relevant to the issue of digestion, or any of the other topics being discussed. But if you want I can give you an off topic lessons in (inorganic, organic, physical, quantum, bio) chemistry
Well then he used it wrong, or was referring to an alkaline base. His use does not mean that it was right, in science there is no such thing as an argument of authority.
Learning deficiency, brain damage, ignorance? This does not apply to the subject at hand.
Like all people with a little (very little) knowledge, but no understanding you bring irrelevant topics into the discussion.
My point is that if someone states something that is outright ridiculous, then it is important for those who know better to speak (write) up and correct the mistakes. Failure to do so only allows ignorance to foster and grow. Correcting mistakes should not be confused with an emotional response of anger or negativity. On the contrary, it is one of joy and positivity.
Dementia must be setting in for you. You try to throw a few words of German around, as if that meant anything, now you bitch because I can point out your ignorance in several languages. I don't think that impressed anybody "alot"
You sure are one heck of a Google artists. You leave your dragon droppings are all over curezone, making the place stink like one of your Depends the dementia strikes and you forget to change them. The problem with cut and paste jobs like your is that you don't understand what you are pasting.
I am happy to give you a primer on whatever topic of organic chemistry you need refreshing. But I will just say that most of the stuff you mention is outside the realm of digestion and/or nutrition. If your were familiar with the terms you copied you know that the Grignard reaction has really no application in the body, neither do the other things you mentioned. They are interesting to the organic chemist doing benchtop chemistry. The are not applicable to the subject at hand. Like I said, you have no understanding. You just drag and drop. Hey why don't you copy/paste something about rocket fuel, that would be as relevant as most of the stuff you've written.
For you, AND ONLY YOU, I suggest you ingest some Grignard, or some of the other caustic compounds you've mentioned as means of controlling your pH, and the sooner the better for everyone involved. Your moronic listing of compounds is worthless, the discussion is about which supplements, foods, minerals, compounds you can take to help the body maintain proper pH. So go ahead, load up on your reagents.
You seem very familiar with Moreless' farts, you should get your nose out of that hole. You been spending so much time with your nose sniffing up his “wisdom” that you are now brain damaged from lack of oxygen.
Vieille folle, you have to learn to read more carefully. I did not write that alkali salts only form weak alkaline salts ( liar, careless, dumb – which are you?), I wrote “ We should also note that few of the salts formed by the alkali metals are actually alkaline (basic), and a basic substance does not have to have Alkali substance.” That is correct. In comparison to all the possible reactions and combination of compounds formed by Alkali metals, few of them will be alkaline.
Folle, if you want to get into a compound naming/characteristics contest I will take you on, by the way you write you are a good 40 or 50 years out of date. Am I right, or am I right? I can see it in the garbage and pseudoscience junk you've posted elsewhere. But if you want a contest, then it is IUPAC rules and you can use your 20th Ed. CRC just to make it even.
Too bad most of your examples are not relevant to digestion, nutrition, or the balancing of body pH. You produce a lot of noise, but nothing of value. Terrible S/N, I think it is best if you stop writing.