molly bloom
Hey, don't get caught up in all that stuff about a liver cleanse. Just do it.
Sure the optimum thing is to do all the colon cleansing, and
parasite stuff, but I didn't do all that, and just went for it. The most basic recipe
Epsom Salts ,
Olive-Oil and Grapefruit juice. Worked like a charm.
I know that it can sound complicated, and there is too much info out there, but really, the basic is the way to go. And also, please don't get caught up in the huge DRAMA of people on the other forum. God bless them, but they go crazy at the beginning. After a few under their belt, they calm down significantly.
If I had to do it over again, I would
Colon Cleanse for a week. I prefer
Oxypowder myself, and boy, that cleaned me out very well. But if you don't want to wait, I say go for it, really. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
You are not drinking coffee anymore, eh? That's one of the things that completely cured my acid, along with my first liver flush.