my research style is just different from yours.
I tend to gather up all the info I can and use
what I resonate with and I do not even pay attention
to the stuff I am not using. That link had lots of
info, positive and while you are
right about that part of the page, I like the parts
I like real well...ggg...
and no, Im not taking it personally. We are chatting
*supportively* with each other and I'm good with,
and appreciate, your differences. This way I can grow.
I have learned *much* more this year hanging out on
the board, listening~reading about others' questions
and experiences and it has been waaaay more than the
book provides. I do appreciate too that everyone
here has helped to keep our forum in a *good* space.
Cool about your business... :)So youve convinced
me that Doc Burroughs widow could be profiting.
That sounds like a good thing...
hang in there~
be happy, be well,
The Master Cleanse Express
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