I have an issue here. Me and my roomie are fine at moment,but something always happens. If I ask him if he wants something or wants to do something,he says ya thats fine. However,like tonight for instance. I sent him a txt asking him if he wanted pizza tonight or something,and he said ya that'd be cool. So he said he had to go to Tulsa real quick and pick something up. So he comes home from work I say sup and w/e. Then I go, "so you still want pizza then or?" and he kinda hesitates and goes into a real soft voice "...ya...sure" and ugh. I mean he was leaving to go to Tulsa and w/e and so I was just making sure. In reality I think I am wrong. Because in his mind we already talked about doing it,and so nothing changed,but yet I asked him again if he "Still" wanted it. So I basically was just making sure it was still going down. EVERYTIME I DO THAT HE ANSWERS WITH THAT SAME SOFT HESITANT "..ya..sure" and it bugs me. Happened last week too,we talked about going to Tulsa and stuff and then like 5 hours later I was like,"So u still wanna go to tulsa?" and of course he goes real softly "..ya..sure.." and that drove me nuts. I guess im just not casual enough with it. I need to basically be more casual about stuff like this.
Am I wrong or right?