Genuine debate is a carefully structured exchange of ideas presented from opposing positions or points of view. It is done with respect. Once petty bickering and name calling sets in, it stops being a debate. In my high school debate club we were required to learn everything we could about a subject and be able to debate either point of view. I found this good because believe it or not, I tend to research and study opposing points of view on most topics including alternative health.
While the
Debate Forums can never, and perhaps should never be as highly structured and controlled as a debate team, there must be standards of respect and a willingness to hear the other side's view point. This rarely happens here.
I never set out to go against Moreless. In fact, few of you would understand how desperately I wanted his methods to be true even though I knew his theories had no scientific basis in human physiology. But, when I tried the drink I not only became more acidic (remember I had been using my own green tonic alkalizing drink for some time), I became wracked with pain. My joints, muscles, skin, everything hurt with a burning pain. When I asked ML why this happened, he immediately attacked me as being sick and diseased. He has accused me of being mentally incompetent, lacking common sense, and a danger to others. He never showed any concern or compassion for my problems and certainly offered no reason for my bad reaction to his drink. I experimented a couple of more times on different occasions, and always suffer this terrible pain with the drink. I have tried taking kelp powder by itself, Blackstrap by itself, and have used lemon and vinegar for years. I concluded it must be the calcium hydroxide and frankly I am too afraid of another adverse reaction to do any more experimenting with it.
I admit the man's condescending attitude, insults and blatant lies push all the wrong buttons in me; and there have been a couple of occasions when I lashed back at ML. During this most recent drama, my eyes have been opened enough to know there is no need to debate the man. It would do no good, we will never learn anything or have any kind of rational discussion. ML seems to bring out the worst in a lot of us, who I know are better people than what we seem to be here.
I don't care whether or not ML is banned from here. Since he has moderator's status he can unban himself at a touch of a button and expect he will do just that pretty soon. Since I now have absolutely no confidence, no trust and no respect for the man it would be senseless for me to try and debate him. I refuse to lower myself to his level anymore and deeply regret those times I have.
Meanwhile this is not the Moreless Debate Forum, depending where this post winds up it is either the Acid Alkaline Debate Forum or the
CureZone Experts Forum. There should be plenty to discuss in a rational manner and leave the person ML out of it. Is he really worth all the attention we have given him? Don't you suspect that is why he stirred up this hornets nest in the first place-a desire for attention and an excuse to spew his cruel and acidic diatribe on any who might disagree or oppose him.