Here is my story: Over the past few years, an occassional but worsening problem with a burning stomah after meals. Last year with natural supplements it went away for about six months and I hadn't felt better for years. It returned last Spring and lasted six months chronic condition so I had stool and saliva tests done through a naturopath. On a scale of 1-5 I tested #3 (Moderate) for Candida.
Told Nat. Dr. that I wanted to hold off until Jan to begin an anti-fungal so she suggested Pau D'ARco tea (relieves the burn on contact) 15 drops of Grapefruit Seed extract daily, and Swedish bitter - 1 tsp/day, Flax seed too, and lots of garlic and probiotics. The first few days I had a metal taste in my mouth, followed by a day and a half of diarrehea. That was about 6 weeks ago. I also tested pos. for a Wheat allergy so I cut out wheat too. Cut down somewhat on sweets/alcohol. I noticed that if I ate sweets or drank wine too many days in a row, my stomach would no longer burn but it would hurt and I felt nauseous. If I didn't touch sugar/alcohol for 1 to 2 days it would go away. Two Sunday's ago had two glasses of wine and suffered for a week with bad stomach pain and nausea. I finally figured out that I feel okay as long as I eat things without sugar; some thing that have made it flare up - organic tortilla chips, seltzer water, one tsp. of ice cream, etc.. I didn't realize the supplements suggested by Dr. are actually working to kill the Candida - she never told me that. I stopped all of the supplements because my stomach hurt so much. I ate yogurt one day the first week and almost immediately felt better so that's all I've been eating for breakfast now.
Last week I went back to the Naturopath and she says I have die-off and my liver needs time to detox. She has me drinking Yogi Detox tea and roasted Dandilion root tea and doing a caster oil pack at night. It's been a week now and if I veer off a pure diet ever so slightly I still feel the same pain/nausea. If I need to detox how long does it take? I had no other die-off type symptoms - no headache, no foggy head, nothing else that points to die-off, so I guess I'm not 100% convinced that this is die-off from which I need to detox. Could it be something else? She wants me to get back on the Pau D'Arco and the GFSE this week, but if I'm not detoxed yet, should I wait?
If you've read this far, thank you, and I would appreciate any input. I still have a lot to learn about this