Tyler Durden
What makes you assume I avoid fruit? I eat fruit everyday and agree with Moreless and yourself that avoiding natural
Sugar isn't necessary since there's a sharp distinction between fruits vs. candy for instance. Totally agreed there.
As far as parasites... for some people as you point out they can be an issue. Electro-dermal screening is the testing protocol used by my naturopath and it indicated a few issues but not parasites; tried the
Hulda Clark anti-
parasite Wormwood /cloves/black walnut hull combination a few years ago and can't say it did much.
"You should do more research on candida instead of reading the posts - Blind leading the blind. So my advice to you or anyone else is too read the posts by the experts or moderators"
1) I *have* done a ton of research on candida from multiple perspectives 2) "blind leading the blind, read the posts by the 'experts' etc"- to a certain degree all forums are the 'blind leading the blind', since no forum heads, moderators or self-professed experts are all-knowing anyway. Those who claim to know all about the candida enigma and biological terrain balancing for that matter, are usually full of it. I have nothing against Humaworm and have doubts about Moreless but if a certain approach is working for you, go for it- my current routine is working for me.